Fragile X Society – BALKANS

The National Fragile X Foundation Clinical Award

The National Fragile X Foundation Clinical Award

Prof. Dr. Dragana Protic: “It is with great pleasure and honor that I announce receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award for my work in the field of Fragile X, the development of clinical practice in this area in Serbia and the region, successful international collaboration, and the development of preclinical models and research. The award has been bestowed upon me by the National Fragile X Foundation and represents the pinnacle of my career thus far. Families dealing with Fragile X in Serbia and throughout the region are not alone. They have been recognized on an international level, and my professional focus is dedicated to them. Together, we are stronger, and we are confidently moving towards a brighter future for Fragile X. Special thanks to the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, which has recognized the importance of developing this field in Serbia”.